There is a problem with common sense. The problem is that it isn’t actually all that sensible, it turns out that what is sensible depend an awful lot on many other elements of the situation. The relevance of these elements is impossible to understand until after the fact.
When everything is obvious, we arrive at conclusions without any thought. Therefore, the outcome feels completely true, and it really doesn’t matter if it actually is true! After all, it was obvious!
Common sense is based on our personal experiences and inherited beliefs from our environment. Everyone has very different experiences and beliefs, growing and developing in very different environments. So everyone’s perception of common sense will be different.
It makes for common sense therefore, that common sense is actually not common sense! Not because sense is uncommon to find, but because it makes no sense to expect a common set of experiences and subsequent beliefs.
Common sense is often implied as the minimum level of understanding expected from an adult. However, you should avoid accusing a team member of lacking common sense. Momentarily you’ll feel the superiority-fuelled rush of endorphins, but at a social level it’s derogatory and demonstrates your gaps in the understanding of a situation.
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