
Hate Getting Held Hostage by Skilled Employees?

Skilled people are flipping amazing! It’s mainly because you can just give them stuff to do, and it gets done without additional explanation or support. Truly wonderful for the busy entrepreneur or business owner.

The problem arises when these girls and guys want a pay rise or want to leave! We come to rely upon them because as we strive to develop and grow our businesses, they take care of getting done the stuff the business does day to day.

In fact, as they begin to take care of things, often they’ll hone processes and come up with efficient ways of getting things done. They know exactly HOW stuff in the business should be done. They have a wealth of information about your business, but it’s stuck inside their head!

All this knowledge is about your business and is an asset of your business. It shouldn’t be locked inside other peoples’ head (just because you’ve allowed it to be). It should be available to all and be at the heart of your business.

How we do things in our business doesn’t have to be recorded in wordy written procedures. I urge you to use video, images and snap descriptions instead, to capture HOW your business does what it does.

You don’t have to use WorkFunnels, but you might get some ideas by trying our free WorkFunnel PDF tool at: