
Is Your Business Stuck Inside Your Head?

Most small business start from the skills that the owner possesses. The business grows and develops as a reflection of them. Personally it is what I love about small businesses, seeing the care, thought and sheer ability that the owners have developed for providing products and services that others really value. 

However, often the processes behind this creativity remains locked inside the owner’s head. The finished result is clear to see in the service provided or the completed widgets! The value of a business is not wholly in the finished service or product. The greater part of the value is in HOW those service and products are created. This ‘HOW’ is often overlooked by business owners as being obvious and where it is easy for growth of the business to get stuck at simply the owner’s maximum capacity. 

The lack of ‘good people’ is often blamed for being unable to grow. Typically I trust in human nature and typically people want to do the best job they can. It’s difficult for your team to do their best you’ve not made clear how tasks are to be performed. The questioning and constant checking-in with you are not an inability to perform the work. On the contrary, it highlights the lack of definitive information you’ve provided. Does this sound harsh? Well clearly lay out with images, snap descriptions and videos exactly HOW you expect their task to be done, and see how much you get hassled after. I guarantee it’ll be a heck of a lot less!