I started my business because I was pretty sure that it would give me the money and free time I needed to do all the stuff I love. The reality is that since starting my business I’ve had way less time than ever!
The problem was that my consulting business didn’t work without me being there. I had to be there telling the team how I wanted stuff doing. I felt that I had to be the one to solve all the problems and answer all the questions. That was until it hit me! Most of the questions were about HOW I wanted things done!
Once I started making it clear upfront how I wanted stuff done, giving the team members clear instructions, that contained all the resources they needed, I realised that the teams I worked with were totally capable! The team members were more empowered to complete the tasks knowing exactly what was expected, and I managed to regain control of my time.
Now I have more free time to enjoy doing the things I love!
To give your team members the clear instructions that they need, so you have more free time, try our free WorkFunnel PDF tool at: